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Grow your Business 5 X

Boost Your Business by 50% with Our Simple and Effective Funnel!

Ready to supercharge your business growth? We’ve got a straightforward plan at Total Technical Solutions that combines a stunning online presence with smart advertising. Here’s how it works

Create an Awesome Landing Page

Imagine a webpage that's like a super-friendly store for your business. Our team of tech wizards and creative designers works together to make a webpage that shows off what you offer. It's like a digital storefront that's so cool, people can't help but stop and check it out.

Make it Easy for Customers

When interested customers visit your website, we make it super easy for them to reach out. Our cleverly designed form is like a friendly chat – they fill it out, and their details go straight to you.
It's a direct line to people who really want
what you're offering.

Get Noticed with Google Ads

Let us handle the techy stuff! Our Google Ads experts figure out the words your customers use when they're searching online. Then, we make sure your website shows up right at the top when people search for those words. It's like putting a spotlight on your business in the big online crowd.

Interested Customer + Your Great Offer = More Sales!

It might sound simple, but we get it's not always easy.
That's why we've got a team of experts – from website builders to ad pros and designers – ready to handle everything for you.

Create an Awesome Landing Page

Imagine a webpage that's like a super-friendly store for your business. Our team of tech wizards and creative designers works together to make a webpage that shows off what you offer. It's like a digital storefront that's so cool, people can't help but stop and check it out.

Make it Easy for Customers

When interested customers visit your website, we make it super easy for them to reach out. Our cleverly designed form is like a friendly chat – they fill it out, and their details go straight to you. It's a direct line to people who really want what you're offering

Get Noticed with Google Ads

Let us handle the techy stuff! Our Google Ads experts figure out the words your customers use when they're searching online. Then, we make sure your website shows up right at the top when people search for those words. It's like putting a spotlight on your business in the big online crowd

Interested Customer + Your Great Offer = More Sales!

It might sound simple, but we get it's not always easy. That's why we've got a team of experts – from website builders to ad pros and designers – ready to handle everything for you.

Why Choose TTS As Your Digital Partner

Choosing Total Technical Solutions means having a tech partner who gets your business.
Here’s why people like you love us:

Everything Tech, All in One Place

We handle all your tech needs, from software to cybersecurity, cloud solutions to AI – it's a one-stop-shop for everything tech.

Fast and Adaptable

In the ever-changing tech world, we're quick on our feet, ensuring your digital strategies stay effective in a dynamic environment.

We're Into Cool Tech

We love staying ahead with the latest tech trends, making sure your business is not just keeping up but leading the way.

Your Success Matters

We're not successful unless you are. We work collaboratively, tailoring tech solutions to align perfectly with your business goals.

In a nutshell, we’re here to make your tech life easier, keep your business ahead, and celebrate your success.
Total Technical Solutions – where your tech journey meets success!

Why Choose Us?

We Speak Your Pet Language

Simple Solutions for Busy Pet Shop Owners

Proven Success Stories

Because Your Pet Shop Deserves to Shine Online

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What We Offer

Ready to take your pet shop to the next level in the digital world? We’ve got you covered with a range of services designed to make your online presence pawsitively outstanding:

Website Design / Website Re-design

Give your pet shop a digital facelift! We'll create a website that's not only pretty but also super easy for your customers to use.

Adding Your Product and Payment Gateway

Sell your products hassle-free! We'll set up an easy way for your customers to buy online, and you to get paid. Cha-ching!.

Helping in Your Branding Game

Look good offline too! We'll design and print fancy pamphlets and banners that make your pet shop stand out.

Social Media Handling

No time for social media? No worries! We'll manage your accounts, reply to comments, and keep your followers engaged.

Managing Facebook and Google Ads

Let us handle the online advertising hustle. We'll create ads on Facebook and Google that bring more pet lovers to your shop, and more sales to your pocket.

Creating Posts for Social Media

Spice up your social media with eye-catching posts! We'll make sure your Instagram and Facebook are buzzing with content that pet lovers can't resist..

SEO (Helping You Rank on Google Organic)

Be the top dog on Google! We'll use some digital magic to make sure your pet shop shows up when people search for pet goodies

Getting WhatsApp API

Stay close to your customers with WhatsApp messages! We'll set it up so you can send cute updates and promotions directly to their phones.

Meet Our Team

Website Wizards

They make your site look amazing and work smoothly

Ad Gurus

They know how to make your business stand out in the online crowd.

Design Magicians

These folks make sure looks cool aneverythingd grabs attention
Worried about all the tech stuff? Don’t stress. Total Technical Solutions has the perfect team to make it happen. Let us do the hard work, and you enjoy the benefits of a 50% boost in your business. Because when interested customers find your awesome offer, success is just around the corner!








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